How to Achieve Results

October 26, 2021

hort and simple- we all want to reach our goals and reap the benefits of intentionally working on our health.

Here are a few tips on how to achieve results!

⚡️Strategic Nutrition + Refeeds/Diet Breaks

Your body needs protein, fat, AND carbs to function and thrive, so refrain from putting yourself into a box with plans that restrict and limit one or more of the macros. Restriction does not equal sustainability.

Also, I have said this before, but our bodies are not built to be chronically dieting. Taking breaks (refers) where you eat at your maintenance calories (not in a cut/deficit, not in a lean bulk/surplus) sets your body up for success during the different phases/cycles of your training. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, so longevity is key. Set yourself up for success.

⚡️Strength Training + Rest Days

The body composition goals you have will be reached easier with lifting weights and engaging in resistance training instead of exhausting yourself over hours of cardio.

The muscle pops and curves you want? Strength train.

The “toned” and defined shape you want? Strength train.

The fat loss + muscle gains you want? Strength train.

Want to fuel your body and stay lean? Strength train.

But remember, to see the magic of strength training come to fruition, your body needs rest, too. Give yourself at least 1 if not more days of rest during the week. Exhausting your body will set you up for burn out, overtraining side effects, and a lack of sustainability.

⚡️Steps + Active Movement

Don’t undermine the power of getting your steps in and performing daily active movement outside of your training schedule. Movement is medicine, and simply moving your body intentionally will help you reach your goals faster while optimizing total body performance and function.

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